Amazon Pledges $2 Billion To Affordable Housing

Amazon will direct $2 billion in loans and grants to secure affordable housing near three American cities where the company employs thousands of workers, the tech giant announced Wednesday. The Seattle Times reports: In a first step in the Puget Sound region, Amazon is promising $185.5 million, mostly in loans, to the King County Housing Authority to help buy affordable apartments…

Apple Puts $400 Million Toward Affordable Housing

Apple announced Monday that it is allocating $400 million toward affordable housing and homeowner assistance programs in California this year, as part of the $2.5 billion commitment announced in November. From a report: The housing crisis has worsened in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, forcing states and cities to pause spending on affordable housing projects. Big Tech’s wealth has been…

Bernie Sanders Has an Audacious — and Hugely Expensive — Climate Plan

Senator Bernie Sanders, the front-runner for the Democratic nomination in this year’s presidential election, has put forth the most audacious climate plan among the contenders. But there are doubts about the political and economic feasibility of his sweeping vision, as well as the wisdom of some of his particular technical proposals. From a report: Notably, the plan restricts tools that could…

More Small Tests Are Happening For Universal Basic Incomes

DevNull127 writes: A video report from NBC News profiles “Springboard to Opportunities,” an advocacy group for affordable housing residents that’s now also testing $1,000-a-month payments (privately-funded) for 20 women in Mississsippi chosen at random. One senior-living aid making $10.31 an hour says the grants represent “a little freedom”. She’s using the money to pay down debt — and to visit the…

‘I Don’t Want to Stay Here’: Half a Million Live in Flood Zones, and the Government Is Paying

About 450,000 government-subsidized households are in flood plains, a risk that is growing more urgent in the era of climate change.