Going to the beach? Watch this video

Rip currents – sometimes called by the misnomer rip tide – flow outward from beaches, sometimes faster than humans can swim. Here’s what to do if you get caught in one. Source: https://earthsky.org/earth/going-to-the-beach-this-summer-you-need-to-watch-this-video…

Coming Soon: The Google IT Support Professional Certificate in Portuguese

We’re excited to announce that the Google IT Support Professional Certificate will be made available in Portuguese later this year. Launched with a vision of equipping learners with critical skills for a career in IT support, the Google IT Support Professional Certificate has quickly become a highly sought-after credential on our platform. Over 70,000 learners […]
The post Coming Soon: The Google…

House Committee Votes To Continue Research Ban On Genetically Modified Babies

A congressional committee voted this week to continue a federal ban on creating genetically modified babies in the United States. From a report: The House Appropriations Committee voted to retain the ban after the prohibition had been lifted last month by a subcommittee. The vote was part of debate over routine funding legislation for the Food and Drug Administration. “This is…

Pipeline Protesters Could Face up to 20 Years in Prison Under New Trump Proposal

Jake Johnson – The Trump administration unveiled a proposal that would criminalize pipeline protests at the federal level. Source: https://www.wakingtimes.com/2019/06/04/pipeline-protesters-could-face-up-to-20-years-in-prison-under-new-trump-proposal/…

Boeing Says Some 737 Max Planes Might Have Defective Parts

“Boeing on Sunday said some of its 737 planes, including many 737 Max aircraft, may have faulty parts on their wings,” reports CNN. Working with the Federal Aviation Administration, Boeing said it has reached out to airlines that fly 737 planes, advising them to inspect their slat track assemblies on Max and NG aircraft. The 737 NG series includes the 737-600,…

NYT: Deadly ‘Misguided Assumptions’ Were Built Into Boeing’s 737 Max

The automated MCAS system in the Boeing 737 Max played a role in two fatal crashes. But today the New York Times reports that a year before they’d finished developing the plane, Boeing “made the system more aggressive and riskier,” and that “test pilots, engineers and regulators were left in the dark about a fundamental overhaul.” While the original version…

Justice Department Is Preparing Antitrust Investigation of Google

According to The New York Times, the Justice Department is exploring whether to open a case against Google for potential antitrust violations (Warning: source may be paywalled; alternative source) relating to search and its other businesses, “putting renewed scrutiny on the company amid a growing chorus of criticism about the power of Big Tech.” From the report: An investigation into how…

Chinese Developers Fear the Fallout From the Tech War Will Cost Them Access To GitHub

Restricted access to US technology is shaping up to have a big impact on Huawei. Now some Chinese software developers are wondering if the ongoing trade dispute between the US and China might soon affect them. From a report: It all revolves around US-based GitHub, the world’s largest code hosting platform. Countless open source code projects are based on GitHub, allowing…

NASA Executive Quits Weeks After Appointment To Lead 2024 Moon Landing Plan

A top NASA executive hired in April to guide strategy for returning astronauts to the moon by 2024 has resigned, the space agency said on Thursday, the culmination of internal strife and dwindling congressional support for the lunar initiative. From a report: Mark Sirangelo, named six weeks ago as special assistant to NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine, left the agency as NASA…

China Surveillance Tycoons Lose Billions From Threat of US Sanctions

schwit1 shares a report from Bloomberg: The billionaires behind Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co. and Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co. have watched their combined fortunes sink by more than $8 billion since March 2018 as shares of both companies sank on speculation of potential U.S. sanctions. The losses deepened on Wednesday after reports that Donald Trumps administration is considering blacklisting the surveillance…