Citi Can’t Have Its $900 Million Back

Matt Levine: Last August, Citigroup wired $900 million to some hedge funds by accident. Then it sent a note to the hedge funds saying, oops, sorry about that, please send us the money back. Some did. Others preferred to keep the money. Citi sued them. Yesterday Citi lost, and they got to keep the money. I read the opinion, by U.S….

Saturday’s strong earthquake in Japan called ‘aftershock’ of deadly 2011 quake

No fatalities have been reported in the February 13, 2021 strong earthquake in Japan, which occurred off Japan’s east coast, near the epicenter of the 2011 9.0-magnitude Tohoku earthquake. Source:…

Are the US Military’s GPS Tests Threatening Airline Safety?

Long-time Slashdot reader cusco quotes a new report from IEEE Spectrum: In August 2018, a passenger aircraft in Idaho, flying in smoky conditions, reportedly suffered GPS interference from military tests and was saved from crashing into a mountain only by the last-minute intervention of an air traffic controller. “Loss of life can happen because air traffic control and a flight crew…

Hear the strange music of distant planetary system TOI-178

In the animation in this post, the rhythmic movement of newly discovered planets around the star TOI-178 is represented through a musical harmony, created by attributing a note (in the pentatonic scale) to each of the planets. Hear the music of these planets. Source:…

Humans may have domesticated dogs by accident by sharing excess meat

Hunter-gatherers may have had more meat than they could eat, which they shared with wolves – inadvertently beginning the domestication of dogs Source:…

Will There Be a Commercial Replacement for the International Space Station?

“Axiom Space has announced that it is creating an office park and manufacturing center at the Houston SpacePort at Ellington Field,” notes an opinion piece for The Hill by Houston-based space writer Mark R. Whittington. “The development is a hopeful sign that, despite foot dragging by Congress, a commercial replacement for the International Space Station may well happen.”
The United States has…

Taiwanese Horror Game Pulled From Sale Again After Backlash in China

An award-winning Taiwanese horror game was removed from storefronts by the beleaguered developer CD Projekt Red amid a backlash from Chinese gamers, hours after it was put on sale. From a report: Devotion, a PC game that chronicles the life of a Taiwanese family in a religious cult in the 1980s, was released to critical acclaim in February 2019. But shortly…

Steve Bannon Caught Running a Network of Misinformation Pages On Facebook

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Gizmodo: Steve Bannon has been outed for his involvement in running a network of misinformation pages on Facebook. Who could have possibly seen this coming. Facebook has talked a big game about monitoring election misinformation, and yet the independent activist network Avaaz said it had to alert the company to the pages before it…

SpaceX Starship as a trash collector in Earth orbit?

SpaceX Starship’s many tasks may include launching humans into space, carrying satellites into orbit and — perhaps — removing troublesome pieces of space debris. Source:…