Mild Disney+ Censorship ‘Hides a Much Bigger Problem’

There’s a scene in the 1984 Tom Hanks movie Splash “showing a brief glimpse of a naked butt…” notes the Verge, “but people watching the movie on Disney Plus are greeted with an entirely different version of the scene.” And the Verge sees a larger issue: Disney used CGI hair to cover actress Daryl Hannah’s body. A Disney representative confirmed to…

Radical Hydrogen-Boron Reactor Leapfrogs Current Nuclear Fusion Tech

HB11 Energy, a spin-out company originating at the University of New South Wales, claims its hydrogen-boron fusion technology is already working a billion times better than expected. Along with this announcement, the company also announced a swag of patents through Japan, China and the USA protecting its unique approach to fusion energy generation. New Atlas reports: The results of decades of…

Carrie Fisher Was Originally Going To Be ‘The Last Jedi’ In the Final Star Wars Movie

Luke Skywalker wasn’t going to be the only Jedi in the final Star Wars movie, reports Yahoo Entertainment:
In the original version of the ninth and final installment, The Rise of Skywalker, his sister, Leia (played by Carrie Fisher), was going to emerge as a full-fledged Jedi warrior, complete with her very own lightsaber. That’s according to no less an authority than…