7% of Americans Have Had Covid-19

CNN reports: According to Johns Hopkins University’s tally of cases in the United States, there have been at least 23,754,315 cases of coronavirus in the U.S., and at least 395,785 deaths. On Saturday, Johns Hopkins reported 198,218 new cases and 3,286 new deaths… On Friday, the CDC said new more contagious variants of the coronavirus will likely accelerate the spread of…

Jack Ma, Once Proponent of 12-Hour Workdays, Now Foresees 12-Hour Workweeks

Tesla CEO Elon Musk and Alibaba founder Jack Ma discussed Mars and artificial intelligence in their first joint appearance on Thursday. From a report: The duo chatted for over half an hour about their vision of how technology, especially artificial intelligence, will shape the future. “I’m always amazed by your vision of technology, I’m not a tech guy,” Ma said in…

Some of China’s ‘996’ Tech Tribe Quit, Seek Less Stress

An increasingly growing number of millennials in China are beginning to question the value of working long hours in the tech sector and deviate from the longstanding 996 work environment (working 9am to 9pm for six days a week) that many local companies religiously follow. From a report: In April, protests from tech employees against excessive overtime surfaced online, sparking an…

Chinese Workers Are Trying to Bake Fair Labor Practices Into Software

Chinese workers are attempting to use an open source licensing agreement to code fair working conditions into software used by corporations. The plan is part of a protest movement primarily hosted on GitHub, a website software developers used to collaborate and track projects. At more than 1760,000 stars—a way to bookmark GitHub repositories—and growing, the… Continue reading Chinese Workers Are Trying to Bake Fair Labor Practices Into Software