Beware of Emails Impersonating ‘Microsoft Teams’ Notifications

Researchers at the email security company Abnormal Security have discovered “a multi-prong Microsoft Teams impersonation attack” involving “convincingly-crafted emails impersonating the automated notification emails from Microsoft Teams,” reports Forbes: The aim, simply to steal employee Microsoft Office 365 login credentials. To date, the researchers report that as many as 50,000 users have been subject to this attack as of May 1….

Not Just ‘The Death of IT’. Cringely Also Predicts Layoffs For Many IT Contractors

Last week long-time tech pundit Robert Cringely predicted “the death of IT” in 2020 due to the widespread adoption of SD-WAN and SASE. Now he’s predicting “an even bigger bloodbath as IT employees at all levels are let go forever,” including IT consultants and contractors.
My IT labor death scenario now extends to process experts (generally consultants) being replaced with automation. In…

Microsoft Throttles Some Office 365 Services To Continue To Meet Demand

In response to high demand as a result of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, Microsoft has started taking action to preserve overall performance by throttling some services. ZDNet reports: On March 16, Microsoft posted to Microsoft 365/Office 365 admin dashboardds a warning about “temporary feature adjustments” that it might take. That warning told customers that Microsoft was “making temporary adjustments to select…

Responding to School Closings, Microsoft Offers Free ‘Minecraft Education Edition’

Long-time Slashdot reader theodp spotted this announcement at
As COVID-19 concerns prompt school closures around the world, many educators are turning to remote learning to keep students engaged. To help teachers and students stay connected to the classroom, Minecraft: Education Edition is now available through June 2020 for all educators and learners who have a valid Office 365 Education account… We…

Why beware the Ides of March?

The Ides of March are March 15. We in modern times probably wouldn’t know about them – or know we’re supposed to beware of them – if it weren’t for William Shakespeare. Source:…

We’ll have 2 Friday the 13ths in 2020

And 2020’s first Friday the 13th is coming up on March 13. It’ll be exactly 13 weeks after the previous Friday the 13th in December 2019. Zoinks! Source:…

Why do we need leap years?

If there were no leap years, eventually February would be a summer month for the Northern Hemisphere. Read more. Source:…