ZDNet Argues Linux-Based Windows ‘Makes Perfect Sense’

Last week open-source advocate Eric S. Raymond argued Microsoft was quietly switching over to a Linux kernel that emulates Windows. “He’s on to something,” says ZDNet’s contributing editor Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols:
I’ve long thought that Microsoft was considering migrating the Windows interface to running on the Linux kernel. Why…? [Y]ou can run standard Linux programs now on WSL2 without any trouble. That’s…

Microsoft Office 365 Experienced Two Major Outages Within 3 Days

On Monday long-time Slashdot reader TorinEdge wrote that Microsoft “appears to have botched an internal Office365 cloud services rollout today, with outages confirmed up and down the West Coast of North America. Confirmed roll backs were good early omens, but in the end did not appear to be successful… Symptoms may include: All 365-related services flaking out, borking, alternately approving logins…

Microsoft Updates Edge With New Features To Challenge Chrome

Forbes looks at new features Microsoft added to Edge “as it looks to beat Chrome in the browser wars.”
It’s now going to be possible to search for work files directly inside the Edge browser directly from the address bar. To use this you need Microsoft Search configured, then type “work” and press the Tab key to search your company’s network for…

How Microsoft is Looking To MetaOS To Make Microsoft 365 a ‘Whole Life’ Experience

An anonymous reader shares a report: Earlier this year, some leaks about Microsoft’s “MetaOS” had a lot of us Microsoft watchers scrambling to figure out what this foundational layer is and how it will affect Microsoft’s various products and services in the future. Recently, I’ve unearthed some more details about the company’s high-level goals and lower-level product plans around MetaOS. MetaOS…

Microsoft’s Transcribe in Word Gives Office 365 Subscribers 5 Hours of Transcription a Month

Last October, Microsoft unveiled a transcription feature — Transcribe in Word — that is designed to let users leverage the power of the cloud to transcribe audio. After nearly a year in development, Transcribe in Word is now generally available in U.S. English at no cost to existing Microsoft 365 subscribers. It will come to Android and iOS later this year….

What Happened When Microsoft Analyzed Its Own Remote Work Patterns?

Harvard Business Review just published a new analysis by the director of Microsoft’s Workplace Analytics team, a director on Microsoft’s workplace intelligence team, and the editor of Microsoft Workplace Insights. “Four months ago we realized that our company, like so many others, was undergoing an immediate and unplanned shift to remote work…” “So, we launched an experiment to measure how the…

Microsoft Adds Support For Custom ‘+’ Email Addresses in Office 365

Microsoft is adding support for custom email addressing to Office 365 email services, a feature it hopes to complete in Q3 2020. From a report: Custom email addresses are an optional feature that some email providers can support. The feature is described in the RFC 5233 internet standard. Officially known as subaddressing, this standard allows users to extend their email address…

Microsoft Seizes Six Domains Used in COVID-19 Phishing Operations

Microsoft has obtained a court order this month allowing the company to seize control of six domains that were used in phishing operations against Office 365 customers, including in campaigns that leveraged COVID-19 lures. From a report: According to court documents obtained by ZDNet, Microsoft has targeted a two-person phishing operation that has been targeting the company’s customers since December 2019….

Outlook For Windows Will Soon Sync Email Signatures Across Devices

Microsoft is finally bringing cloud support to Outlook for Windows email signatures. The Verge reports: Microsoft originally acknowledged that it was planning some type of sync support for Outlook signatures back in September, and the company says it will now roll this out in a June update. Office 365 and Microsoft 365 subscribers will get access to cloud signature support in…

Microsoft Launches New Office 365 Features Blocking Reply-All Email Storms

Microsoft has begun rolling out a new feature in Office 365 to help IT staff stop the scourage that is “Reply-All email storms.” ZDNet reports:
The feature started rolling out this week to all Office 365 users worldwide. In its current form, Microsoft says the “Reply All Storm Protection” feature will block all email threads with more than 5,000 recipients that have…