Photographer snags shot of yellow penguin

Penguin with yellow face and chest, cream body.

Yves Adams captured the first known photo of a yellow penguin while on South Georgia Island in December 2019. Image via Yves Adams.

Yves Adams was in the right place at the right time when he captured the first-ever photograph of a rare yellow penguin in December 2019. He was on a two-month photography expedition in the South Georgia islands in the South Atlantic when he chanced upon this shot of a lifetime. His images of the penguin were picked up by the media this month (February 2021) and now they’ve gone viral. Adams commented on his Instagram page:

How lucky could I be! Yesterday the press picked up these pictures, and the phone hasn’t stopped ringing since then … It seems we are in desperate need for some mellow yellow news! A big thank you all of you for your nice messages!

He also explained a bit more about how he captured the shot:

Winning nature’s lottery with seeing the most beautiful King penguin and being able to take pictures! While unpacking our rubberboats merely after landing on a remote beach on the island of South Georgia, this leucistic King penguin walked up straight to our direction in the middle of a chaos full of sea elephants and Antarctic fur seals, and thousands of other King penguins.

You can see more photos of the yellow penguin at Yves Adams’ Instagram account.

Congratulations, Yves!

Bottom line: Yves Adams took the first-ever photograph of a yellow penguin while on the island of South Georgia in December 2019. The photo went viral this month!
