A deep look at Orion

Speckled pink blobs on a black background.

View larger. | Image via Fred Espenak.

Perhaps you know the constellation Orion for its 3 prominent Belt stars, or its famous Orion Nebula, or its bright stars Betelgeuse and Rigel. Here’s a deeper look at this area of sky, revealing many of bright and faint nebulae. On November 4, 2019, our friend Fred Espenak – aka Mr. Eclipse – wrote:

I’ve been working on the processing of this image (on and off) for a week or so … The image is actually a composite of seven 4-minute exposures (F/4, ISO 1600) with a modified Nikon D750 and a Nikon 50mm f/1.8 lens.

Thanks for sharing your image with us, Fred!

Casual stargazers using the eye alone will start noticing and commenting on Orion around now. It’s visible by mid-evening and highest in the sky this month after midnight. By about January, Orion will be even more prominent and noticeable in the evening sky.

Bottom line: Deep-sky photo of the area around the constellation Orion, by Fred Espenak.
