5 active cyclones in the Atlantic

This satellite image shows 5 tropical cyclones churning in the Atlantic basin at 5:20 p.m. GMT on Monday, September 14, 2020. The storms, from left, are Hurricane Sally over the Gulf of Mexico, Hurricane Paulette over Bermuda, the remnants of Tropical Storm Rene, and Tropical Storms Teddy and Vicky. Image via NOAA.

On Monday (September 14, 2020), for only the second time in recorded history, there were five active tropical cyclones in the Atlantic Ocean at the same time.

The only other time there were five active tropical cyclones (that is, hurricane, tropical storm and/or tropical depression) in the Atlantic was in 1971.


Keep track of all the storms at the National Hurricane Center and get the latest hurricane news from NASA.

Bottom line: Satellite image shows 5 active cyclones in the Atlantic Ocean on September 14, 2020.
