How To Get Rid of Mice In Your House Humanely

Want to know how to get rid of mice in your house humanely? Here’s 6 ways to do it without harming them! Trust me, I’ve used them all.

6 Ways To Get Rid of Mice & Rats In Your House Humanely

How To Get Rid of Mice In Your House Humanely

By Anna Ikona

When I was a teenager, I worked at a diner restaurant and we had lots of problems regarding rats and mice. My boss was no softie – she kicked ’em, and smooshed’em without blinking an eye…. not so humane. Of course, I hated most rodents, but how she treated them was far too cruel, so I shared some awesome tricks and tips with her about how to get rid of rodents – humanely!


How to Get Rid of Mice In Your House Humanely (Works For Rats Too!)

1. Mouse Spray Will Get Rid of Them

Mix 1 tbsp. tabasco sauce and 1/2 cup of soap detergent to 1 gallon of water. Use this to spray around areas where the rats like to hang out and they will naturally move out.

Check out How To Get Rid of Mice In Your House Humanely at

2. Peppermint Essential Oil Will Get Rid of Mice

Dip cotton balls in peppermint essential oil, place one cotton ball on a small plate, and add one of these delicious smelling platters on a table, in the room where rodents spend most of their time.


3. Peppermint Tea Will Get Rid of Mice Humanely

Sprinkle peppermint tea into a cardboard box, add some cotton, and sprinkle again. Place the box in every room in your house, and watch those pesky critters scurry away.

Check out How To Get Rid of Mice In Your House Humanely at

4. Use Dryer Sheets To Get Rid of Rats

My cousin had rats in his garage and he placed 2 Bounce Regular Scent Dryer Sheets onto the garage floor, and he never saw them again.


5. Apple Cider

My mother mixes half a gallon of apple cider with 2 gallons of water, and sprinkles it all around the house. “It’s the easiest way to get rid of mice, I ever knew.”

Check out How To Get Rid of Mice In Your House Humanely at

6. Also, check out this very cool mouse trap

It traps mice without harming them, and has a removable lid so that you can release them far from home! Worked for me lots of time!

Check it out here!


Hope that you decide to get rid of rodents, the humane way, as mice and rats are living things and don’t deserve to end up dying painfully.

Good luck!


Need more tips to get rid of rodents? Check out this video from MrStewartcamdene’s channel:



What do you think of these ways to get rid of rodents? Let us know in the comments section what your thoughts are on these rodent catching tips. Which one will you try? Let us know how it went and share your experience with us in the comment section below.

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Originally posted on January 4, 2016 @ 4:00 AM

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