33 Amazing Hydroponic Systems For Indoor Gardening

Amazing Hydroponic Systems For Indoor Gardening

Hydroponic systems are your perfect solution for small space gardens. Growing plants and crops can be daunting in small spaces or dry and poor soil. Here are some different types of hydroponic systems which work even in a limited space. Gardening in small spaces and inferior soil is possible with hydroponic systems!

Hydroponic Systems And Indoor Gardening Ideas You Can DIY!


1. Homemade Hydroponic System

Homemade Hydroponic System | Amazing Hydroponic Systems For Indoor Gardening
How to Assemble a Homemade Hydroponic System Photo by DIY Network

Follow these steps to assemble a homemade hydroponics system. Next thing you know, you’re well on your way to growing plants without soil.

2. Zig Zag Hydroponic Systems

Zig Zag Hydroponic Systems | Amazing Hydroponic Systems For Indoor Gardening
PVC Hydroponics Unit Photo by Instructables

Using PVC pipes is convenient for a hydroponic system. You can work it into horizontal, vertical and zigzag designs.

3. A-Frame Hydroponic Systems

An A-Frame hydroponic system will require you enough space for setting up. For beginners, you can better understand how the system works with this design.

4. Water Bottle Garden

Water Bottle Garden | Amazing Hydroponic Systems For Indoor Gardening
Hydroponics Photo by Growing A Greener World

This water bottle garden system lets you grow plants and crops in small spaces. You also get to recycle plastic bottles. Talk about hitting two birds with one stone!

5. Vertical Water Bottle Garden

Vertical Water Bottle Garden | Amazing Hydroponic Systems For Indoor Gardening
Hydroponic Soda Bottle System Photo by Instructables

There is a myriad of ways and means to grow plants in empty plastic bottles. This vertical hydroponic design is only one.

6. DIY Hydroponics For Under $100

This starter kit is your rite of passage tool to hydroponic gardening. It’s easy to assemble and once you get how the system works. You can graduate to an advanced system where you can grow more!

7. Ezgro Original Hydroponic

Ezgro Original Hydroponic | Amazing Hydroponic Systems For Indoor Gardening
EzGro Deck Garden Photo by EzGro Garden

This EzGro hydroponic system is somewhat over a homesteader’s budget. But hey, you can’t put a price on fresh and organic fruits and veggies all-year-round!

8. Hydroponic Systems Diagram

Hydroponic Systems Diagram | Amazing Hydroponic Systems For Indoor Gardening
Homemade Hydroponic System Photo by mcciec

Hydroponic systems are somewhat complicated. That is if it’s your first introduction. Check out these diagrams and find out how simple it works.

9. Vertical Gutter Garden

Vertical Gutter Garden | Amazing Hydroponic Systems For Indoor Gardening
DIY Hydroponics Using PVC Gutter Photo by Instructables

You can use rainwater for hydroponics which is better. You can also use gutters to make a hydroponic system possible in your garden.

10. Dutch Bucket Hydroponic System

Dutch Bucket Hydroponic System | Amazing Hydroponic Systems For Indoor Gardening
Dutch Bucket Hydroponic System Photo by Instructables

For a beginner, experiment to see how the system works. This Dutch bucket system is a great way to get you started. Start from growing tomatoes. Soon you’ll find yourself growing varieties of veggies and fresh herbs.

11. Hydroponic Crystal Magic

Hydroponic Crystal Magic | Amazing Hydroponic Systems For Indoor Gardening
Water bead Bio-Gel CRYSTALS for Plants Photo by DH Gate

For your indoor plants and flower arrangements, the crystal soil couldn’t be any perfect. It’s hydroponics system with a magical twist. You should give it a try!

12. DIY Hydroponic System


A small container and a couple of pipes are all you’ll need to build a DIY hydroponics system. Follow the instructions to the letter and you can build more next time with your eyes closed.

13. Hydroponics Fish Tank

Hydroponics Fish Tank | Amazing Hydroponic Systems For Indoor Gardening
Finally, a hydroponic farm that runs on goldfish poop Photo by Engadget

Build yourself a whole ecosystem with a fish tank hydroponics. You’ll see the give-and-take relationship in action. In this mini aquaponics, the fish takes nourishment from the plants and vice-versa.

14. Hydroponic Vertical Garden Pipe

Instagram Photo

Take this easy hydroponic piping idea. Don’t take this simple idea for granted. You can grow some decent crops in them like basil and lettuce.

15. Hydroponic Indoor Cupboards

Hydroponic Indoor Cupboards | Amazing Hydroponic Systems For Indoor Gardening
Grow Salad In Your Kitchen Inside This Sleek Sensor-Driven Cabinet Photo by Fast Company

When we think of indoor gardening, we think of clutter. Well, not this hydroponic in a cupboard idea with indoor grow lights!

16. Hydroponic Rain Tower

Hydroponic Rain Tower | Amazing Hydroponic Systems For Indoor Gardening
Hydroponics and Worms Photo by Bloominthyme

Make use of every bit of your small garden prime real estate. Growing fruits and veggies in vertical tubes look a bit intimidating. Well, it’s not and you’ll love the clean look of it in your landscape.

17. Big Buddha Box Vertical Hydroponic System

Amazing Hydroponic Systems For Indoor Gardening
Big Buddha Box Vertical Grow Hydroponics Photo by Super Closet

If you love to grow things but doesn’t have the space for it in the big city, you can invest in this vertical hydroponics. A bit of life and green in the big city are truly worth the cost.

18. DIY Condensed Hydroponics System

DIY Condensed Hydroponics System | Amazing Hydroponic Systems For Indoor Gardening
How to Set Up a Simple DIY Hydroponics System Photo by DIY Natural

If you’re particular about neatness when growing plants, hydroponics is for you. You can find how you can grow plants without the messy soil especially indoors, here.

19. Liter-Of-Cola Hydroponics System

Put empty cola bottles to good use by growing a vertical hydroponics garden in your apartment. The idea is to put them in a vertical position on top of the other for convenient watering.

20. DIY Hydroponics Living Wall

DIY Hydroponics Living Wall | Amazing Hydroponic Systems For Indoor Gardening
How can I build a hydroponic green wall Photo by Quora

Plants defying gravity at home? Why not? We see this phenomenon in nature and you can recreate a wall-mounted garden at home with hydroponics.

21. Smartphone-Powered Hydroponic System

Smartphone-Powered Hydroponic System | Amazing Hydroponic Systems For Indoor Gardening
Homegrown Hydroponic Gardening System Made Simple Photo by Organic Authority

Gardening is kind of old school and unpopular with today’s generation. Not anymore, with a smartphone-controlled hydroponic system. Growing plants is now only an app away!

22. Hydroponic Lamp

Hydroponic Lamp | Amazing Hydroponic Systems For Indoor Gardening
Hydroponic Lamp Photo by Design Boom

Minimalistic lifestyle is at the core of hydroponics gardening. This smart hydroponic system presented by Ohneka Farms is a lamp and garden in one.

23. DIY Bucket Hydroponics

Instagram Photo

The future of agriculture is right in this powerhouse bucket hydroponics. It’s not much, but wait till you get the hang of it and you will go on to grow more.

24. Small NFT Hydroponic System

Small NFT Hydroponic System | Amazing Hydroponic Systems For Indoor Gardening
Simple DIY Hydroponic Systems To Implement In Your Indoor Garden Photo by Farm Hydroponics

To better save on indoor grow lights, make use of your south-facing window. Take this small NFT hydroponic system if you are a beginner.

25. DIY Windowsill Hydroponics Drip Watering System

DIY Windowsill Hydroponics Drip Watering System | Amazing Hydroponic Systems For Indoor Gardening
Hydroponic Window Farm Photo by Instructables

This is an amazing garden which takes care of itself. It is possible with the drip watering system. This way you can go away for a few days without worrying about how your plants are doing.

26. Hydroponics With LED Light Technology

Instagram Photo

This hydroponics with LED light technology is perfect if you wish to grow microgreens fast. With how expensive microgreens are, you’re better off growing them your own.

27. DIY Agriculture Hydroponics

Walk yourself through this step-by-step guide to building your own hydroponics system. All you need is a Home Depot plastic box and a hydroponic systems kit and you’re good to go!

28. Kratky Hydroponic System

Kratky Hydroponic System | Amazing Hydroponic Systems For Indoor Gardening
Hydroponic Kratky Method Photo by Garden Ambition

The Kratky hydroponics is one of the simplest methods in the hydroponic system. You simply grow plants using a small basket with your choice of medium. You then suspend the basket or medium in water with the nutrients.

29. The Raft Hydroponic System

The Raft Hydroponic System | Amazing Hydroponic Systems For Indoor Gardening
Raft Hydroponic Systems Photo by Grozine

The Ancient Aztec is said to have been the pioneers of the hydroponics system. This raft method, in particular, was the system they employed.

30. Drip Garden

Drip Garden | Amazing Hydroponic Systems For Indoor Gardening
Hydroponic Drip Garden Photo by Instructables

We are now getting to the more advanced part. If you want to grow more veggies indoors all-year-round, you’ll take great interest in this hydroponics drip system.

31. Fodder Hydroponic Tiered System

Fodder Hydroponic Tiered System | Amazing Hydroponic Systems For Indoor Gardening
Dairy Cow Hydroponics Fodder Farm Equipment Photo by Nature Hydro

Both man and animal food can be produced in a hydroponics system. For large scale animal farming, you can cut cost by growing fodder in hydroponics.

32. IKEA Hydroponics

IKEA Hydroponics | Amazing Hydroponic Systems For Indoor Gardening
Indoor gardening Photo by IKEA

Even IKEA has released their own indoor vegetable garden kit in their indoor gardening products, and it’s lovely. Growing indoors has never been this exciting.

33. Cheap And Expandable Hydroponic System

Cheap And Expandable Hydroponic System | Amazing Hydroponic Systems For Indoor Gardening
In the “Nutes” Photo by Hydro Rush

For this simple hydroponic system, use clay pellets and 1-gallon root square maker. You can always add a few more pots as you progress in this gardening method.


Check out this video tutorial from Scott’s Place to make a hydroponic for $35:

Hydroponic systems are lifesavers for those who are at odds with conventional gardening. You can now grow plants and crops in small spaces and in places with a bad soil. We hope you find this roundup helpful in learning the basics of hydroponic gardening. We would love to hear your favorite among these awesome hydroponic systems!

Which hydroponic system are you going to try? Share your thoughts about it in the comments section below!

Up Next: 145 Homesteading Skills Every Homesteader Must Be Equipped With


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Editor’s Note – This post was originally published on July 8, 2016, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

The post 33 Amazing Hydroponic Systems For Indoor Gardening appeared first on Homesteading Simple Self Sufficient Off-The-Grid | Homesteading.com.

Source: https://homesteading.com/hydroponic-systems-round-up-33-best-hydroponic-ideas-for-your-garden/