YouTube’s Algorithms Blamed For Brazil’s Dangerous Conspiracy Video-Sharing on WhatsApp

Sunday the New York Times reported that YouTube “radicalized” Brazil — by “systematically” diverting users to conspiracy videos. Yet conventional wisdom in Brazil still puts the blame on WhatsApp, the Times reported in a follow-up story on Thursday shared by Slashdot reader AmiMoJo. “Everything began to click into place when we met Luciana Brito, a soft-spoken clinical psychologist who works with families affected by the Zika virus.” Her work had put her on the front lines of the struggle against conspiracy theories, threats and hatred swirling on both platforms. And it allowed her to see what we — like so many observers — had missed: that WhatsApp and YouTube had come to form a powerful, and at times dangerous, feedback loop of extremism and misinformation. Either platform had plenty of weaknesses on its own. But, together, they had formed a pipeline of misinformation, spreading conspiracy theories, campaign material and political propaganda throughout Brazil. The first breakthrough came when we spoke to Yasodara Cordova, who at the time was a researcher at Harvard’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society. Illiteracy remains widespread in some parts of Brazil, she said, ruling out text-based social media or news sources for many people. And TV networks can be low-quality, which has helped drive YouTube’s stunning growth in many parts of Brazil, particularly on mobile. But YouTube has had less success in poorer regions of Brazil for one simple reason: Users cannot afford the cellphone data. “The internet in Brazil is really expensive,” Ms. Cordova said. “I think it’s the fourth or fifth country in terms of internet prices.” WhatsApp has become a workaround. The messaging app has a deal with some carriers to offer free data on the app, and poorer users found that this offered them a way around YouTube’s unaffordability. They would share snippets of YouTube videos that they found on WhatsApp, where the videos can be watched and shared for free. Ms. Cordova suspected that the WhatsApp-spread misinformation had often come from videos that first went viral on YouTube, where they had been boosted by the extremism-favoring algorithms that we documented in our story earlier this week… It was like an infection jumping from one host to the next. Some of the videos blame the mosquito-bourne Zika virus on vaccines or suggest an international conspiracy, while some were “staged to resemble news reports or advice from health workers,” the Times reports — adding that as of Thursday the videos were still being recommended by YouTube’s algorithm. (A spokesperson for YouTube “called the results unintended, and said the company would change how its search tool surfaced videos related to Zika.”) Researchers say conspiracy videos were even shown to people who’d searched for reputable information on the virus, the Times reports. “The videos often spread in WhatsApp chat groups that had been set up to share information and news about coping with Zika, turning users’ efforts to take control of their families’ health against them.” YouTube told the Times that their recommendation system now drives 70% of total time spent on YouTube — and according to their article Thursday, Dr. Brito estimates that she now receives serious threats on her life about once a week.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
