Wine 5.0 Released

An anonymous reader quotes a report from BleepingComputer: Wine 5.0 has been released today and contains over 7,400 bug fixes and numerous audio and graphics improvements that will increase performance in gaming on Linux. With the release of Wine 5.0, WineHQ hopes to resolve many of these issues, with the main improvements being: -Builtin modules in PE format: To make games think Wine is a real Windows environment, most Wine 5.0 modules have been converted into the PE format rather than ELF binaries. It is hoped that this will allow copy-protection and anti-cheat programs to not flag games running under Wine as being modified. -Multi-monitor support: Multiple displays adapters and multi-monitor configurations are now supported under Wine. -XAudio2 reimplementation: XAudio2 libraries have been added back to Wine and will use the FAudio library for better compatibility. -Vulkan 1.1 support: “The Vulkan driver supports up to version 1.1.126 of the Vulkan spec.” Here are the release notes, download locations for the binary packages (when available) and source.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
