Wind Is Outpacing Coal As a Power Source In Texas For the First Time

A new report (XLSX) from the Electric Reliability Council of Texas says wind power has surpassed coal for the first time in the state. CNN reports: Wind has generated 22% of the state’s electrical needs this year. It just edged out coal, which provided 21% of the Lone Star State’s power, according to the Electrical Reliability Council of Texas, which manages electrical flow on about 90% of the Texan grid. Sixteen years ago, in 2003, wind made up just 0.8% of the state’s power, and coal satisfied 40% of electrical needs, the council documents show. By 2010, wind accounted for 8% of the state’s energy, and it steadily inched forward to 19% last year and now 22% in the first half of 2019. At the same time, coal’s portion of the energy mix has declined over the past several years, from 37% in 2013 to 24% last year and just 21% this year. Yet while wind has soared and coal-generated power has cooled, natural gas still accounts for the largest share of the state’s energy mix, generating 46% of its power in 2003 and staying strong at 44% last year.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
