Why Canonical Views the Snap Ecosystem as a Compelling Distribution-Agnostic Solution

Canonical’s Martin Wimpress addresses Snaps, Flatpak, and other competing standards, and community unease around Canonical’s control of the Snap store. intensivevocoder writes: With these advances in hardware support, the last significant challenge users face when switching from Windows or Mac to a Linux distribution is app distribution and installation. While distribution-provided repositories are useful for most open source software, the release model of distributions such as Ubuntu or Fedora lock in users to a major version for programs for the duration of a particular release. Because of differences in how they interact with the underlying system, certain configuration tasks are different between Snaps or Flatpaks than for directly-installed applications. Likewise, initial commits for the Snap and Flatpak formats were days apart — while the formats were developed essentially in parallel, the existence of two ‘universal’ package formats has led to disagreement about competing standards. TechRepublic interviewed Martin Wimpress, engineering manager for Snapcraft at Canonical, about Ubuntu’s long term plans for Snaps, its adoption and support in other Linux distributions, Canonical’s position as the operator of the Snap Store, and the benefits Snaps provide over Flatpak. An excerpt from the interview: TechRepublic: Practically speaking, there are two competing standards for cross-platform application packaging — three, if you count AppImage. What’s the practical benefit that Canonical’s Snap format offers over Flatpak or AppImage? Martin Wimpress: If you look at the initial commits of both of those projects, Snaps have a lineage back to Click packages, which were developed for [Ubuntu Phone] originally. The Snap project developed out of what had been learned from doing the phones, with a view to solving problems in IoT. So, although technically snapd and xdg-apps — and consequently Flatpak — look like they emerged around the same time, Snaps can trace their lineage back to the Click project from several years previous. If we’re looking at Flatpak specifically, we can probably include AppImage in most of these comparisons as well. Some of the similarities are that Snaps are self-contained software packages, which is something that Flatpak and AppImage strive to be as well. I think that Flatpak achieves that better than AppImage. I think AppImage still makes some assumptions on what’s installed on the host operating system. It doesn’t bundle everything inside the AppImage. Similarly, Snaps, Flatpak, and AppImage work across all the major Linux distributions without modification. We haven’t all arrived at this solution by accident. We’ve clearly, independently, all realized that this is a problem that we need to solve in order to encourage software vendors to publish their applications on Linux, because Linux is a very broad platform to target. If you can lower the hurdles… to getting your software in front of users on Linux, then that’s a good thing. And we’re all aiming to do the same thing there.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
