What Would Happen If All Encryption Could Be Broken?

“What would happen, or what should happen, if tomorrow a trivial method was discovered for Prime Factorization?” asks Slashdot reader medv4380: By trivial I mean an algorithm that runs in relatively constant time that could factor a number like 2737631357921793461914298938174501291 relatively instantly on most modern hardware today. And that even increasing the bit length wouldn’t slow it down much. How much chaos would result if such a method were revealed tomorrow with little warning? Keeping it a secret only means that others may have long ago exploited the method at the expense of others. Should proof be presented without revealing the method, to reduce the impact, and who should be told first if at all? Slashdot reader Shikaku sees a real possibility of this actually happening when quantum computers are developed, adding that quantum-resistant encryption “is an ongoing experiment.” But if development lags — what would happen if all encryption could be broken?

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
