What Went Wrong With Virtual Reality?

An anonymous reader shares a report: “When I put in the earpieces and goggles the first time it was crazy – it feels so believable,” says Anna Taylor, 32, of her visit to a virtual reality (VR) arcade. “The whole experience of being immersed in a compelling virtual world is incredible.” Anna has since visited the east London arcade many times, at first alone and then with others. But despite her enthusiasm for gaming, she won’t be buying her own virtual reality headset. “I wouldn’t invest in buying virtual reality applications for home,” she explains. “It’s fine to play more of a basic game when you are playing with other people, [and] because it’s brand new there are more layers of excitement. But when you’re [playing] on your own, you want the quality you are used to.” As a keen gamer, Anna should be part of the core audience for at-home VR entertainment. But her lack of interest is pretty common, and it means that virtual reality headsets have yet to take off. Many big name adopters have abandoned their VR projects. Google recently halted sales of Daydream, its VR headset, admitting that “there just hasn’t been the broad consumer or developer adoption we had hoped.” Meanwhile, the BBC has announced it is ending the funding for its VR hub, less than two years after it was founded.
VR received very little attention at CES, the annual trade show for consumer electronics, which got underway this week. However, PlayStation did announce it has sold five million VR headsets since launch in 2016.

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