What Kamala Harris, Joe Biden’s VP Pick, Means For Tech

An anonymous reader quotes a report from CNET: After months of speculation, Joe Biden has picked California Sen. Kamala Harris to be his vice-presidential running mate in the race for the White House. The choice fulfills a pledge from Biden, the Democrats’ presumptive nominee for president, to name a woman to his ticket as he seeks to unseat Donald Trump in the November election. […] Here’s what we know about Harris’ stance on tech issues: A California senator and former candidate in the 2020 presidential race, Harris made her name in Washington by grilling Trump nominees and officials from her seat on the Senate Judiciary Committee. Harris, 55, is known for being a tough-on-crime prosecutor earlier in her career. That toughness, however, didn’t carry over to Big Tech companies when she was California attorney general, critics charge. During her time as the state’s top law enforcement officer, Facebook and other companies gobbled up smaller competitors. Harris, like regulators under Obama, did little from an antitrust perspective to slow consolidation, which many members of Congress now question. During her 2020 presidential bid, Harris’ stance on consumer protections and antitrust issues weren’t as tough as those of some of her rivals, especially Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who called for the breakup of large tech companies, like Facebook and Google. Still, Harris was vocal last year in urging Twitter to ban Trump from the platform for “tweets [that] incite violence, threaten witnesses, and obstruct justice.” This was a demand Twitter rejected. She has also been critical of Facebook for not doing more to rid its platform of misinformation.

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