Washington Post: A Top NASA Official Improperly Contacted Boeing

The Washington Post reports:
After a top NASA official improperly contacted a senior Boeing executive about a bid to win a contract potentially worth hundreds of millions of dollars, the company attempted to amend its proposal past the deadline for doing so, according to people with knowledge of the matter. That raised alarm bells inside the space agency, where officials were concerned that Boeing was attempting to take advantage of inside information. Ultimately, the matter was referred to NASA’s inspector general office, and NASA’s leadership last month forced Doug Loverro to resign from his position as the associate administrator of NASA’s human spaceflight directorate. Boeing did not win one of the lucrative contracts to build a system capable of landing astronauts on the moon. But the inspector general investigation could be another headache for a company under fire for having an unusually cozy relationship with federal regulators, especially if it identifies wrongdoing on the part of Boeing senior executives… “It’s one thing to have a mistake that violated the Integrity in Procurement Act,” according to a congressional aide with knowledge of the matter. “It’s another if the company took that information and acted on it.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
