Was Cuba’s Mysterious Sonic Weapon Just Mosquito Gas?

Remember concerns about possible “sonic attacks” in Cuba? Long-time Slashdot reader kbahey shares an update: In the wake of the health problems experienced over the past three years by US and Canadian staff in Havana, Cuba embassies, Global Affairs Canada commissioned a clinical study by a team of multidisciplinary researchers. Now, the working hypothesis is that the cause could instead be neurotoxic agents used in pesticide fumigation. The BBC has more coverage on this, saying it may have been merely mosquito gas. “The researchers found that since 2016, Cuba launched an aggressive campaign against mosquitoes to stop the spread of the Zika virus,” reports the CBC: The embassies actively sprayed in offices, as well as inside and outside diplomatic residences — sometimes five times more frequently than usual. Many times, spraying operations were carried out every two weeks, according to embassy records… The researchers are now looking to collaborate with Cuban officials to determine whether any Cubans suffered similar brain injuries…

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
