Vivaldi 2.4 is out: here is what is new

Vivaldi Technologies released Vivaldi 2.4, a new version of the desktop web browser, to the stable channel today.

The new version introduces new toolbar customization options, bookmark management improvements, and support for multiple user profiles among other features.

Vivaldi 2.4 is already available through the web browser’s automatic updates system. You may run a manual check to install the new version of the browser right away by going to Vivaldi Menu > Help > Check for Updates if you don’t want to wait for the browser to pick up the update automatically. Standalone downloads are available on Vivaldi’s website as well.

Vivaldi 2.4

vivaldi drag toolbar icons

One of the core improvements of Vivaldi 2.4 is better toolbars customization support. Vivaldi supported removing toolbar buttons from the main toolbar for some time; the new version gives new customization options.

All you need to do is hold down the Shift-key on the keyboard to drag icons to another location. Note that this is reserved to some icons, e.g. navigational icons and extension icons but not other toolbar elements such as the address bar or the new profile icon.

You find reset options under Menu > Settings > Appearance > Window Appearance > Toolbar Customizations > Reset Toolbar.

Bookmarking improvements

vivaldi multi bookmark

Vivaldi 2.4 introduces support for bookmarking multiple tabs in one swift operation. Just select multiple tabs using Shift or Ctrl, and right-click the selection to find the new bookmarking option in the context menu.

The bookmarks are saved to a new folder called Saved Tab Selection (Date, Time). There is no option to change the default name but you can do so in the bookmarks manager at any time.

User Profiles

vivaldi user profiles

Vivaldi 2.4 introduces support for user profiles. We reviewed the feature earlier this month already. You may create multiple users to separate browsing activity.

User profiles use individual storage locations to separate extensions, the browsing history, cookies, and other data from one another.

Profiles can be customized individually, e.g. by installing custom themes or mouse gestures. A click on the user profile icon displays the current user and options to load another user or manage user profiles.

Vivaldi’s synchronization feature supports user profiles. If you make use of it, user profiles will be synced alongside other data.

Other Vivaldi 2.4 improvements

  • Calculator in Quick Commands to make quick calculations right there. Use it by opening the Quick Commands interface with F2. Type the equation and press the Enter-key to get the result.
  • Option to disable Tab Stacking by drag and drop in the Settings. Also, change the length of the tab hover delay to avoid accidental creations.
  • Double-click to rename tab stacks.
  • Option to open results of a context menu search in the background (Settings > Search).

Closing words

Vivaldi Technologies continues to introduce new customization options to the web browser that set the browser apart from other browsers that limit the functionality.

Now You:Do you use Vivaldi? Have you tried it?

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