Utah Man Builds Bulletproof Stormtrooper Suit With 3-D Printer

schwit1 quotes CNN’s report on a software engineer who who really loves Star Wars costumes: “I kind of incorporated all of the things that I’ve learned in 3-D printing and DIY into this project,” said Nils Rasmusson. Over the course of nine months, he printed the suit and put it together. “I had to figure out — how do you put all of these pieces together? There’s no tutorial or instructions on this,” he said. The helmet alone is made up of 19 different pieces fabricated on the printer. Rasmusson said he used five printers, humming for about 400 to 600 hours, to fabricate the suit out of plastic filament. It’s even bulletproof. His friend works for a company that bulletproofs cars…

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
