US Tech Sector Skews Younger Than the Workforce As a Whole, Study Finds

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Wall Street Journal: Older information-technology professionals are being passed over by employers, even as IT job openings soar to record highs and employers say recruiting tech talent is a challenge. The IT workforce in the U.S. skews young: Workers aged 22 to 44 account for 61% of the IT sector, but only 49% of the workforce across all occupations, according to 2019 data compiled by IT trade group CompTIA. On the other side, workers aged 45 and older represent 38% of all IT employees at U.S. companies, while the comparable figure for all occupations is 44%, CompTIA said. The largest gap occurs among workers ages 35 to 44. They make up 29% of the IT workforce, but just 21% of the overall national workforce, said Tim Herbert, CompTIA’s senior vice president for research and market intelligence. One problem is that some older IT workers who get too comfortable with their skills risk falling behind, says Michael Solomon, an advisory firm for senior technology job seekers. Another issue is cost. “By the time many tech workers are in their 50s and 60s, they often have top-level compensation packages,” the report says. “The age imbalance between IT and the overall U.S. workforce began roughly a decade ago and has grown over the years, researchers have found.”

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