US States Tell Court Prices To Increase If Sprint, T-Mobile Allowed To Merge

A group of U.S. states suing to block T-Mobile from merging with Sprint on Wednesday told a federal judge that the deal would violate antitrust laws and raise wireless prices for consumers. Reuters reports: The states filed a lawsuit in June to block the merger, saying it would harm low-income Americans in particular. T-Mobile and Sprint contend that the merger would enable the combined company to compete more effectively with dominant carriers Verizon and AT&T. U.S. District Court Judge Victor Marrero, who presided over a two-week trial last month in federal court in Manhattan, began hearing closing arguments in the case on Wednesday. “I’m here speaking on behalf of 130 million consumers who live in these states,” Glenn Pomerantz, a lawyer for the states, said at the outset of his argument. “If this merger goes forward, they’re at risk for paying billions of dollars more every single year for those services.” When T-Mobile majority shareholder Deutsche Telekom first contemplated the deal in 2010, it “expressly and unambiguously admitted that it had potential to reduce price competition,” Pomerantz said. The states also emphasized that the carriers did not need a merger to introduce previous generations of wireless technology, and Pomerantz argued that T-Mobile would continue to acquire spectrum, or airwaves that carry data, from a variety of sources even if the merger was blocked.

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