US Space Force Members Are Now Called ‘Guardians’

Slashdot reader destinyland writes: The U.S. Space Force celebrated its one-year anniversary Friday with a new announcement: that members of this branch of the military will be referred to as “guardians.” They’re describing it as “A name chosen by space professionals, for space professionals.” The site notes that the phrase is a nod to the original long-standing “Space Command” branch of the Air Force (founded in 1982), whose motto had been “Guardians of the High Frontier.” In other news, the Space Force now has one member who is actually in outer space — astronaut Michael Hopkins. Launched by SpaceX to the International Space Station in the Crew-1 capsule, Hopkins agreed to join the Space Force in a ceremony in space which a Space Force official said would “spotlight the decades-long partnership” between NASA and America’s Defense Department (which oversees its armed forces). NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine pointed out that 60% of the astronaut corps comes from the military, according to, which adds that “At least one other member of NASA’s active astronaut corps, Air Force Col. Nick Hague, has also requested to transfer to the Space Force.”

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