‘Unauthorized Bread’: A Tale of Jailbreaking Refugees Versus IoT Appliances

Science fiction writer, journalist and longtime Slashdot reader, Cory Doctorow, a.k.a. mouthbeef, writes: My novella “Unauthorized Bread” — originally published last year in Radicalized from Tor Books — has just been published on Ars Technica: it’s an epic tale of jailbreaking refugees versus the disobedient IoT appliances they’re forced to use, and it’s being turned into a TV show by The Intercept’s parent company and a graphic novel by First Second with help from Jennifer Doyle. Making the story open access was in honor of the book being shortlisted for Canada Reads, Canada’s national book award. The story builds on the work I’ve done with EFF to legalize jailbreaking, including our lawsuit to overturn parts of the DMCA. The story is part of a lineage with a long history of /. interest, starting with my 2002 Salon story 0wnz0red, and it only seemed fitting that I let you know about it!

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
