Uber Self-Driving Cars Allowed Back On California Roads

Nearly two years after one of Uber’s self-driving cars was involved in a fatal crash in Arizona, the ride-hailing firm has been allowed to test its autonomous vehicles on public roads in California. “Receiving a permit in California — which has granted permits to 65 other transport firms — is the latest step in Uber’s revival of the program,” reports the BBC. From the report: California allows companies to test self-driving technology with a backup driver in the car. Before the fatal crash, Uber’s self-driving cars were being tested in four locations in the United States — Phoenix, Toronto, Pittsburgh and San Francisco. Uber said it is considering using San Francisco, where the company is based, again. It did not give a timeline for when it will resume testing. California has granted permits to 66 companies in total to test autonomous vehicles, but Uber is the only one that has been involved in a fatal crash.

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