Uber Drivers’ Self-Employed Status ‘Fictitious’, France Rules

France’s top court ruling opens the way for Uber drivers to be reclassified as employees, the country’s highest court ruled on Wednesday, the latest in a wave of rulings globally to grant more rights to gig workers. From a report: The Cour de Cassation in Paris said Uber drivers can’t build a clientele, don’t set rates or decide on terms and conditions, itineraries are imposed and destinations unknown to them. The top court said the fact that Uber “unilaterally determines its terms and rules” are all indications that drivers are more like employees of the company than self-employed. “The existence of a relationship of subordination between the company Uber and the driver when connecting to the digital platform” makes the “driver’s self-employed status merely fictitious,” the Cour de Cassation wrote.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
