Uber Can Continue Operating In London After Winning Court Appeal

After losing its license to operate in London last November, deputy chief magistrate of Transport for London (TfL), Tanweer Ikram, granted Uber an 18-month license after winning their court appeal. “Despite their historical failings, I find them, now, to be a fit and proper person to hold a London PHV [private hire vehicle] operator’s license,” he concluded. Engadget reports: Uber’s new licence runs for 18 months. It has “a number of conditions,” according to TfL, that will allow the regulator to “closely monitor Uber’s adherence to the regulations and to swiftly take action if they fail to meet the required standards.” Jamie Heywood, Uber’s regional general manager for Northern and Eastern Europe, added: “This decision is a recognition of Uber’s commitment to safety and we will continue to work constructively with TfL. There is nothing more important than the safety of the people who use the Uber app as we work together to keep London moving.” The UK’s App Drivers and Couriers Union (ACDU) has “cautiously” welcomed the court’s decision, but believes London mayor Sadiq Khan should take further action and limit the number of licensed drivers on the platform. “Such reductions, achieved through attrition, are necessary to ensure Uber can comfortably meet its compliance obligations including worker rights whilst giving TfL the breathing space necessary so that it can comfortably meet its responsibilities to ensure that Uber drivers and the traveling public are protected,” the union said in a press release.

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