Trump Will Temporarily Suspend Immigration Into the US For 60 Days Due To Coronavirus Fears

President Trump tweeted on Monday night that he will sign an executive order to temporarily suspend immigration into the U.S. to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus, adding that his decision was spurred by an “attack from the Invisible Enemy, as well as the need to protect the jobs of our GREAT American Citizens.” Trump later clarified at a coronavirus press briefing on Tuesday and said the order would only be in place for 60 days and apply to individuals seeking permanent residency or green card seekers. From a report: “We have a solemn duty to ensure these unemployed Americans regain their jobs and their livelihoods, therefore in order to protect American workers, I will be issuing a temporary suspension of immigration into the United States.” “By pausing immigration we’ll help put Americans first in line for jobs as America reopens,” he continued. “I would be wrong and unjust for Americans laid off by the virus to be replaced by new immigrant labor flown in from abroad.” Trump said that the order would last 60 days and then would be reevaluated by him and “a group of people based on economic conditions at the time” on whether the measure should be extended. He said the order would only apply to individuals seeking permanent residency or green card seekers. He added that additional immigration measures may be considered in the future as the country seeks to reopen its industries shut down in order to stop the novel coronavirus spread. As of Tuesday evening, the U.S. recorded over 820,000 coronavirus cases and more than 44,000 deaths.

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