Trump Launches Space Command

President Donald Trump announced Thursday the official establishment of the U.S. military’s Space Command. CNN reports: Space Command will become the 11th combatant command, joining the ranks of U.S. Central Command, which oversees operations in the Middle East, and U.S. Special Operations Command, which oversees Special Operations Forces. The command will initially consist of just 287 personnel and its final location has yet to be determined. Its responsibilities will be transferred primarily from U.S. Strategic Command. The command’s establishment comes as the U.S. has grown increasingly concerned about threats to its satellites, which are critical to military operations and commercial business. While the command’s establishment has received broad support, Trump also spoke Thursday about the creation of a U.S. Space Force, a military branch his administration wants to see established under the Department of the Air Force, similar to how the Marine Corps sits under the Department of the Navy. Space Command “will soon be followed — very importantly — by the establishment of the United States Space Force as the sixth branch of the United States Armed Forces,” Trump said, adding that the Space Force will “organize, train and equip warriors to support Space Command’s mission.” NPR notes that the Space Command was first established by the Air Force in 1985. “As the Cold War was heating up, it was meant to coordinate missile defense and surveillance efforts,” reports Engadget. “But by 2002, military focus had shifted to terrorism, and Space Command was merged into the unified Strategic Command. It was refocussed to the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan.”

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