Trend Micro Security Incident Involving Selling Customer Data Was an Inside Job

Mark Wilson shares a report from BetaNews: Security firm Trend Micro has revealed details of an inside scam which led to personal details of its customers being exposed. The security incident dates back to August this year, and the company says that it was made aware of customers being contacted by fake Trend Micro support staff. Following an investigation lasting until the end of October, it was determined that it was a member of staff that had fraudulently gained access to a customer database and sold personal data to a third party. Trend Micro says that the employee was able to access names, email addresses, support ticket numbers and telephone numbers, stressing that it was an inside job and not an external hack. The finger of blame points squarely at “a Trend Micro employee who improperly accessed the data with a clear criminal intent”, and law enforcement is now involved. While the company says that the incident affects less that 1 percent of its 12 million consumer customers, this still means that the details of over 100,000 people could have been exposed.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
