The World’s First Banner Ad Celebrates Its 25th Anniversary

An anonymous reader shares a web site remembering October 27, 1994 as “the day that Wired Magazine flipped the switch on its first website,, starting a revolution in web content and advertising that still reverberates today.” This site is dedicated to showing off one of the ads that ran on that site. No, it wasn’t the “first” as there were a handful of other ads that ran on various sections of This site is also here to tell the story of how that ad came to be, how it succeeded beyond anything we had imagined, and how we tried to set an example for how corporations could communicate with their audiences. The site was created by two of the people originally involved in that ad campaign, and it even simulates the landing page that AT&T’s ad would’ve taken you to back in 1994, including its announcement that “For those of you unfortunate souls who don’t yet have fiber to the home, we’ve tried to keep file sizes small and download times short….” CmdrTaco once wrote of the ad that “It’s ugly, but no animation, no popups. It makes me a little nostalgic.”’s earliest capture of is from three years later, in 1997.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
