The Linux Foundation Identifies Most Important Open-Source Software Components and Their Problems

The Linux Foundation’s Core Infrastructure Initiative (CII) and the Laboratory for Innovation Science at Harvard (LISH) have revealed — in “Vulnerabilities in the Core, a preliminary report and Census II of open-source software” — the most frequently used components and the vulnerabilities they share. From a report: This Census II analysis and report is the first major study of its kind but isn’t a final analysis. It takes important first steps and lays out a methodology for understanding and addressing open-source software structural and security complexities. Specifically, it also identifies the most commonly used free and open-source software (FOSS) components in production applications and examines them for potential vulnerabilities. To create this work, CII and LISH partnered with Software Composition Analysis (SCAs) and application security companies such as Snyk and Synopsys Cybersecurity Research Center. They combined private usage data with publicly available datasets for identifying over 200 of the most used open-source software projects. These are not the programs — Apache, MySQL, Linux — that probably spring to your mind. For all their foundational importance, it’s the small building block programs that are most widely used. They may be small, sometimes less than a hundred lines of code (LoC), but they’re vital. As Frank Nagle, a professor at Harvard Business School and co-director of the Census II project, said: “FOSS was long seen as the domain of hobbyists and tinkerers. However, it has now become an integral component of the modern economy and is a fundamental building block of everyday technologies like smart phones, cars, the Internet of Things, and numerous pieces of critical infrastructure. Understanding which components are most widely used and most vulnerable will allow us to help ensure the continued health of the ecosystem and the digital economy.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
