The Latest Claim To Satoshi Nakamoto is the ‘Stupidest One Yet’

An anonymous reader shares a report: For years, Faketoshis have been fighting to claim the Bitcoin throne, trying to make us all believe they were responsible for the cryptocurrency’s creation. But things took a different turn this weekend after an unknown person(s) decided it was time to reveal their identity as the ‘real’ Satoshi Nakomoto in a three-part blog post series. Possibly exhausted by peoples’ previous attempts to do the same, and having noticed several significant inconsistencies in the person’s writing, it didn’t take long for Bitcoin Twitter to react and call Faketoshi’s claims into question. Further reading: How the NSA Identified Satoshi Nakamoto (2017);
Bizarre New Theories Emerge About Bitcoin Creator Satoshi Nakamoto (2019);
The CIA ‘Can Neither Confirm Nor Deny’ It Has Documents on Satoshi Nakamoto (2018);
Craig Wright Claims He’s Satoshi Nakamoto, the Creator Of Bitcoin (2016);
Former Bitcoin Developer Shares Early Satoshi Nakamoto Emails (2017);
He Says He Invented Bitcoin and Is Suing Those Who Doubt Him (2019);
Elon Musk Says He Is Not Bitcoin’s Satoshi Nakamoto (2017); Satoshi Nakamoto Found? Not So Fast (2014); Bitcoin Releases Version 0.3 (2010).

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
