The CIA Accuses Huawei Of Being Secretly Funded By China’s State Intelligence

“U.S. intelligence has accused Huawei Technologies of being funded by Chinese state security, The Times said on Saturday.” Long-time Slashdot reader hackingbear shares a story from Reuters: The CIA accused Huawei of receiving funding from China’s National Security Commission, the People’s Liberation Army and a third branch of the Chinese state intelligence network, the British newspaper reported, citing a source. Earlier this year, U.S. intelligence shared its claims with other members of the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing group, which includes Britain, Australia, Canada and New Zealand, according to the report… The accusation comes at a time of trade tensions between Washington and Beijing and amid concerns in the United States that Huawei’s equipment could be used for espionage. The company has said the concerns are unfounded… top educational institutions in the West have recently severed ties with Huawei to avoid losing federal funding.

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