The BBC’s 1992 TV Show About VR, 3D TVs With Glasses, and Holographic 3D Screens

dryriver writes: 27 years ago, the BBC’s “Tomorrow’s World” show broadcasted this little gem of a program [currently available on YouTube]. After showing old Red-Cyan Anaglyph movies, Victorian Stereoscopes, lenticular-printed holograms and a monochrome laser hologram projected into a sheet of glass, the presenter shows off a stereoscopic 3D CRT computer display with active shutter glasses. The program then takes us to a laboratory at Massachusetts Institute Of Technology, where a supercomputer is feeding 3D wireframe graphics into the world’s first glasses-free holographic 3D display prototype using a Tellurium Dioxide crystal. One of the researchers at the lab predicts that “years from now, advances in LCD technology may make this kind of display cheap enough to use in the home.” A presenter then shows a bulky plastic VR headset larger than an Oculus Rift and explains how VR will let you experience completely computer-generated worlds as if you are there. The presenter notes that 1992 VR headsets may be “too bulky” for the average user, and shows a mockup of much smaller VR glasses about the size of Magic Leap’s AR glasses, noting that “these are already in development.” What is astonishing about watching this 27-year-old TV broadcast is a) the realization that much of today’s stereo stereo 3D tech was already around in some form or another in the early 1990s; b) VR headsets took an incredibly long time to reach the consumer and are still too bulky; and that c) almost three decades later, MIT’s prototype holographic glasses-free 3D display technology never made its way into consumer hands or households.

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