Target Experiences A ‘Massive’ Nationwide Cash Register Outage

CBS News reports:
Target acknowledged nationwide “system issues” affecting its stores on Saturday that prevented its customers from checking out at registers. The outage caused long checkout lines at Target locations, with upset customers posting images and video on social media. Slashdot reader McGruber shared an article reporting more than 5,000 posts on about problems at Target stores Saturday — and noting that Target is America’s eighth-largest retailer. (CBS reports Target has 1,800 stores scattered across the country.) “This is how you bring America to a standstill,” a Minnesota news producer joked on Twitter (where the phrase #targetdown is now trending…) “At least Target kept me fed,” the news producer added later. “They brought out candy and popcorn and wings. I’m thinking they should set up a TV next and pop in a movie. Maybe we can play bean bag toss, too…”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
