Supreme Court Hears Oral Arguments Remotely

The Supreme Court is hearing oral arguments remotely for the next two weeks, and for the first time in history, the audio will be available, live, to the public. From a report: The arguments include high-profile cases about birth control access, religious freedom, the Electoral College and President Trump’s financial records. They are scheduled to take place Monday through Wednesday on the weeks of May 4 and May 11, beginning at 10 a.m. ET each day. You can listen live to all of the cases here (Monday’s arguments have concluded). For each case, both sides will have the same amount of time. Each side will have two minutes of uninterrupted argument at the beginning. After that, each justice has been allotted two minutes for questioning, with more questions permitted if there is time left at the end of the first round. Each side has a total of 30 minutes.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
