Star Trek: Deep Space Nine ‘Nog’ Actor Aron Eisenberg Has Died at 50

An anonymous reader quotes CNET: Actor Aron Eisenberg, who played Nog on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, died Saturday at age 50, his wife Malíssa Longo posted on Facebook. “He was an intelligent, humble, funny, emphatic soul,” Longo wrote. “He sought to live his life with integrity and truth. He was so driven to put the best he had into whatever work was put before him.” The actor’s cause of death wasn’t released, but he underwent his second kidney transplant in 2015, notes in an obituary. Eisenberg played Nog, the first Ferengi to join Starfleet, and appeared in 40 episodes from across all seven seasons. The show ran from 1993 to 1999. His character was the son of Rom, the nephew of Quark, and the best friend of Jake Sisko, who was the son of commanding officer Benjamin Sisko. Eisenberg was told nothing about his character when he was cast and had no idea that the part would last, Star Trek reports “I thought every episode I was doing might be my last episode,” he told in 2012. The site also notes that Eisenberg also played Kar, the young Kazon-Ogla, in a 1995 Star Trek: Voyager episode. This year Aron had become the host and producer of a Star Trek-themed podcast called “The 7th Rule.” And Deep Space Nine (and the other early Star Trek series) are all available through Amazon Prime. CNET remembered the actor by sharing the Deep Space Nine scene where Nog makes a passionate speech about why he wants to join Starfleet Academy. (“My father is a mechanical genius. He could’ve been chief engineer of a starship if he’d had the opportunity. But he went into business like a good Ferengi…”) On Twitter 79-year-old René Auberjonois (who played Odo on Deep Space Nine) called Aron “such a pure, sweet soul and gifted artist. He was a dedicated collaborator and friend. My condolences and love to his wife and family.” Armin Shimerman, who had played Nog’s bartender uncle Quark, tweeted Sunday “I have lost a great friend and the world has lost a great heart… He was a man of conviction and enormous sensitivity and the best of humanity… Flights of angels my friend… you will be missed.” And Next Generation actor Jonathan Frakes tweeted “bless his sweet soul.”

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