Slashdot Asks: Does Anyone Still Like Godzilla?

There’s now a new $175 million remake of Godzilla: King of the Monsters. I loved it, Msmash walked out of it, and BeauHD didn’t bother to go see it. The movie performed poorly at the box office, but I’m not the only person who still likes Godzilla. There’s also a new anime version on Netflix. And critic Matt Zoller Seitz (once a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in criticism) is calling the new film “a frequently astounding movie… its imperfections are compensated by magnificence.” For all its crash-and-bash action, this is a real science fiction movie that goes to the trouble of not merely creating a world, but thinking about the implications of its images and predicaments. It cares what the people in it must feel and think about their situation, and how it might weigh on them every day even when they aren’t talking about it amongst themselves. It’s also suffused with a spiritual or theological awareness, and takes it all as seriously as recent DC films took their comparisons of caped wonders to figures from the Old Testament and ancient mythology… [A]t the level of image, sound and music, “Godzilla: King of the Monsters” is a frequently brilliant film that earnestly grapples with the material it presents… It deploys state-of-the-art moviemaking tools to try to return audiences to a stage of childlike terror and delight. Arthur C. Clarke famously observed that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. This movie is magic. No expense was spared. For fans of the franchise there was even a quick Easter egg about what happened to the Mothra twins when they grew up. And of course the film-makers included Blue Oyster Cult’s “Godzilla” song in the closing credits — an over-the-top remake featuring a chanting Japanese taiko drum group, members of the band Dethklok from Metalocalypse, and heavy-metal drumming legend Gene Hoglan. The film’s composer called it “perhaps the most audacious piece of music I have ever produced, jammed to the breaking point…It is complete musical madness.” But what it all for nothing? Leave your own thoughts in the comments. Does anyone still like Godzilla?

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