Should America’s Next President Abolish the Space Force?

An anonymous reader writes: The U.S. military’s Space Force branch celebrated its one-year anniversary Friday by announcing that its members would now be known as “guardians”. But the name was not universally greeted with respect and appreciation. Gizmodo announced the news with a headline which read “Space Force Personnel Will Be Called ‘Guardians’ Because Sure, Whatever,” in an article which jokingly asks how this will affect the other ranks of this branch of the military. “Does someone get promoted from Guardian to Sentinel to Space Paladin to Tython, The Secessionist King Of Mars or something?” (Their article also suggests other names the U.S. military could have considered — like “moon buddies” or “rocketeers” — even at one point proposing “starship troopers”.) Forbes wrote that “The mockery arrived instantly and in great rivers…” But there was an interesting observation from a British newspaper (which is in fact, named The Guardian). “As the Associated Press put it, delicately: ‘President-elect Joe Biden has yet to reveal his plans for the space force in the next administration.'” In fact, New York magazine called the new name for members of Space Force the “strongest case yet for its demise,” in an article headlined “Abolish the Space Force.” (“Maybe ‘stormtrooper’ was too obvious…”) In an apparent bid to be taken more seriously, on Friday the Space Force also shared an official anniversary greeting they’d received from Lee Majors, the actor who’d played a cybernetically-enhanced Air Force colonel in the 1970s action series The Six Million Dollar Man (who, in later seasons, befriended Bigfoot and the alien community who’d brought him to earth). But Mashable added sympathetically that “It’s been a long year, though. If people want to draw some nerdy joy from a U.S. military branch inadvertently referencing comic books and video games, let them have their fun.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
