Samsung’s New Chips Support 100W USB-C Fast Charging

Samsung on Tuesday announced the launch of two new chips that it says will support secure, fast-charging USB-C power delivery controllers. “One of them, the SE8A, is what the company calls the industry’s first solution that combines a power delivery controller and Secure Element in a single chip, offering new protections like security key storage,” reports BGR. “Another result of the development of these new power delivery controllers is that Samsung’s power chargers will now be able to support up to a 100W capacity: A 10x improvement over the 10W of a general smartphone charger.” From the report: Samsung said the MM101 supports a symmetric encryption algorithm called the Advanced Encryption Standard that enables product authentication and includes moisture sensing capabilities to ensure safer charging conditions. The SE8A supports USB Type-C Authentication, the certificate-based authentication program for USB-C chargers and devices. “With enhanced security,” Samsung explained in the announcement, “the SE8A opens possibilities for new kinds of content and services that may be exclusive to a certain brand, location or event.” Today’s announcement is also significant because Samsung says the new power delivery controllers meet the most recent USB specs for fast-charging which addresses things like compatibility and efficiency challenges across mobile devices and other electronics. Those challenges can have effects like causing a device to, for example, charge slower than usual in addition to compromising the battery’s life cycle.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
