Russia’s Anti-5G Propaganda Campaign Is Spreading Across Social Media

An anonymous reader quotes Fierce Wireless:
Earlier this week, the New York Times published a story with the headline “Your 5G Phone Won’t Hurt You. But Russia Wants You to Think Otherwise.” [Non-paywalled MSN version here.] The story outlined how RT, the Russia-backed and U.S.-based television network, has been peddling 5G cancer fear-mongering stories, making claims that 5G causes brain cancer, infertility, autism, Alzheimer’s and other health disorders. The Times reports RT has run seven such programs this year, including pieces entitled “5G Apocalypse” and “Experiment on Humanity.” The Times article claims that disinformation in these news segments has spread across Facebook, YouTube and TV news channels, and that news outlets almost never mention RT’s Russian origins. Anna Belkina, RT’s head of communications in Moscow, told the Times in an email, “Unlike many other media, we show the breadth of debate.” But, U.S. officials have accused RT of being the Kremlin’s principal international propaganda outlet. VentureBeat adds that the New York Times “has accused Russian broadcaster RT America of stoking health-related 5G disinformation in an effort to delay other countries while Russia prepares to belatedly launch the new technology,” adding that at least one of the programs told its viewers in America that 5G “might kill you….” “Meanwhile, efforts to launch 5G networks are underway within Russia itself, and the New York Times reports that Russians have embraced even more extreme views on the high-frequency wireless signals: It’s believed that they can be used to heal wounds, fight hair loss, rejuvenate skin, and treat cancer.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
