Review: ‘Solid State’ by Jonathan Coulton

We’re reviving an old Slashdot tradition — the review. Whenever there’s something especially geeky — or relevant to our present moment — we’ll share some thoughts. And I’d like to start with Jonathan Coulton’s amazing 2017 album Solid State, and its trippy accompanying graphic novel adaptation by Matt Fraction. I even tracked down Jonathan Coulton on Friday for his thoughts on how it applies to our current moment in internet time… “When I started work on Solid State, the only thing I could really think of that I wanted to say was something like, ‘The internet sucks now’,” Coulton said in 2017 in an epilogue to the graphic novel. “It’s a little off-brand for me, so it was a scary place to start…” So what does he think today? And what did we think of his album…?

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
