‘Retro Games’ Announces A New Commodore 64

Long-time Slashdot reader cshamis tipped us off to this story in HotHardware: It is official, folks — Retro Games is releasing a full-size retro reboot of the original Commodore 64, called TheC64, on December 5… Of course, modern amenities abound for this reboot. TheC64 can connect to any modern TV via HDMI, to deliver “crisp 720p HD visuals” at 60Hz (USA) or 50Hz (Europe). It also comes with an updated joystick featuring 8 buttons, micro switches, and USB connectivity. It bears a passing resemblance to the original, but with additional bells and whistles. TheC64 will arrive with 64 games preinstalled, including titles such as California Games, Destroyer, Impossible Mission (1 and 2), Monty on the Run, Speedball 2, and many others… [P]layers will be able to add more games from a USB memory stick (not included). The original Commodore 64 is widely considered the best-selling single-model PC of all time. Estimates have sales pegged at somewhere between 10-17 million units.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
