Ralph Nader: Engineers Often the First To Notice Waste, Fraud and Safety Issues

McGruber writes: In Scientific American, Ralph Nader writes about the decades of struggles by conscientious engineers — whether employees or consultants — who strive to balance professional ethics with occupational survival. Nader writes: “[T]oday’s engineers are working in an improved environment for taking their conscience to work. Yet much more remains to be done to safeguard the ability of engineers to speak truth to the powers-that-be. For starters, the word whistle-blower — once popularly meant to describe a snitch or a disgruntled employee — now describes an ethical person willing to put his or her job on the line in order to expose corrupt, illegal, fraudulent and harmful activities. Indeed, in the aftermath of recent Boeing 737 MAX crashes, the media routinely and positively refers to disclosures by ‘Boeing whistle-blowers.’ Congressional investigating committees and federal agencies have called for whistle-blowers to come forward and shed light on corporate misdeeds and governmental agency lapses. To put it mildly, this was not always the case.” “We need more public interest engineering advocacy groups and initiatives to open up new frontiers of excellence and service as well as to support engineers inside the corporate framework,” adds Nader. “We need more engineers who embody the three principles of any profession — independence, scholarly pursuits, and commitment to public service. Those are the vital ethical pillars to helping engineers withstand the great pressures to place commercial priorities over their engineering integrity and limit harm to the public.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
