Purism Finally Starts Shipping Its Privacy-Focused ‘Librem 5’ Smartphone

“It’s here! Purism announces shipment of the Librem 5,” writes long-time Slashdot reader Ocean Consulting: Librem 5 is a landmark mobile device with a dedicated platform, runs PureOS Linux, and is the first mobile phone to seek hardware certification from the Free Software Foundation. Initially a crowd sourced funding campaign, the phone embraces principles of free software and user privacy. IP native communication is supported via Matrix. Privacy features include hardware kill switches for camera, microphone, cellular, wifi, Bluetooth and GPS. “The Librem 5 phone is built from the ground up to respect the privacy, security, and freedoms of society,” reads the site’s official announcement. “It is a revolutionary approach to solving the issues that people face today around data exploitation — putting people in control of their own digital lives.” They’re adopting an “iterative” shipping schedule — publishing a detailed schedule defining specific batches and their features with corresponding shipping dates. “Each iteration improves upon the prior in a rapid rolling release throughout the entire first version of the phone… As slots in a particular early batch free up, we will open it up for others in a later batch to join in, according to the date of the order.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
