PayPal Builds ‘Zoid’ JavaScript Library To ‘Make IFrames Cool Again’

“Earlier this year I gave a talk at FullStack conference in London about making iFrames cool again,” writes a lead engineer at PayPal. In a nutshell: iframes let you build user experiences into embeddable ‘cross-domain components’, which let users interact with other sites without being redirected. There are a metric ton of awesome uses for that other than tracking and advertizing. Nothing else comes close for this purpose; and as a result, I feel we’re not using iframes to their full potential. There are big problems, though… My talk went into how at PayPal, we built Zoid to solve some of the major problems with iframes and popups: – Pre-render to avoid the perception of slow rendering – Automatically resize frames to fit child content – Automatically resize frames to fit child content – Pass down any kind of data and functions/callbacks as props (just like React), and avoid the nightmare of cross-domain messaging between windows. – Make iframes and popups feel like first class (cross-domain) components. Zoid goes a long way. But there are certain problems a mere javascript library can not solve. This is my bucket list for browser vendors, to make iframes more of a first class citizen on the web… Because fundamentally: the idea of cross-domain embeddable components is actually pretty useful once you start talking about shareable user experiences, rather than just user-tracking and advertizing which are obviously pills nobody enjoys swallowing. He acknowledges that he “really likes” the work that’s been done on Google Chrome’s Portals (which he earlier described as “like iframes, but better, and worse.”) “I just hope iframes don’t get left behind.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
